be scared of me

Im gonna throw cheese doodles on your face


piupiu puke.

- I heard I puked?
- giant pizza dude.
- goooosssh why?
- gooosh- cuz you don't feeeel good.

alcoholic little gril in stripes.

gosh- cause i don't feel good. can you bring me my cerate- my lips hurts.

napoleon, he's the man jeeey,

undrar om man kan leka med jens.
ae måste bli ändring på detta.

kyyparn kyyyyyyparn!!!!

kiss my brain again

fakkin G lick.
fackin G lick
fakkin G lick.

det luktar prutt
när du äter
frysta pommen.

here you whant some free deodorant?, my father got some free deodorant from work.

I smell better then you.
gosh you smell poopoo.
-moha. you smell poopoo.


silent shout

alarm alarm!
- do you want to look at scooby dooo with me?
- no, eat my shorts.
- oh, kiss my brain gosh, you're just so stupid.

this is the new shit

eat it.

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